Friday, May 6, 2011

From the beginning...

Tanner and I met the Summer of 2008. We had a mutual friend. This friend had to run in their house, leaving Tanner and I in the car alone. Tanner turns around and says,"What's your name?" "Karlin" "I have a nephew named Carlin!!" Lets just say, the rest of the day he talked my ear off, haha. The rest of that weekend we had bumped into each other a couple of other times.

We saw each other a couple of times and said "hi", but that was about it.

Fast forward to 2009.

I was over at another mutual friend's house because it was his birthday. We all went up to his sister's bar to celebrate(it was also Superbowl Sunday). Well, Tanner and I meet up again. We talked a little and decided to play pool. It was Tanner and I verse Colten and Tommy. We won!! Haha. Later on that evening, everyone was going home so I gave everyone a ride back.

Everyone else was dropped off and I thought I heard Tanner say to drop him off, too. So, we pull up to his house and I drive away. I get a phone call from a number I didn't recognize and I answered it. "Where did you go?!" "Umm.. I'm going home. Who is this?" "Tanner. I said I had to run inside and get something" "OHH!! I thought you wanted me to drop you off" "No. Come get me" "Well, I have to go home" "Well can you bring my sweater back?!Its in your van." So I brought him his sweater back and headed home.

Apparently he had gotten my number from his cousin, sneaky, right?! From that point on, he texted and called me NONSTOP!!!

We started hanging out together on the weekends, along with our mutual friends, Colten, Tommy, and Ariel.

After a month of getting to know each other...we made it official. <3 02/16/09 <3

Our first picture together - Feb '09

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