Thursday, September 22, 2011

Fast forward.

Fast forward 1 year and 9 months later. November 16, 2010.
I had been feeling "weird" lately. I just knew that I was pregnant. I had bought a pregnancy test a few days prior but held off on actually taking it. Why? Because I just knew.
So...I finally gave in and decided to take it on that Tuesday night. Tanner came into the bathroom with me. I was feeling very anxious and nervous at the same time. Before I could even set the pregnancy test on the counter, the vertical line showed up. Shortly after, the horizontal line.

For the longest time, I thought the dark dark pink line was the control line (I didn't even bother to read the helpful hint to the right). The "pregnant line" showed up before the control line did. Holy hormones! ha. I was 4 weeks 6 days pregnant.

Initially, I didn't know what to think. I immediately started crying and hugged Tanner. We didn't say much of anything right away. We didn't have to. We both knew exactly what each other was thinking.
I texted (lame, right?) my dad, mom and sisters first. I was really scared of my dad's reaction. I had the text written, but it took me a while to actually send it. I did a lot of explaining, crying, and wondering those next few minutes(hours?). Tanner called his mom at work and told her. Tanner called his brother Charlie and told him that he needed to talk, so they went for a drive. I continued texting my family while he was gone.

The next few days were really hard, not because I was sad, but because we decided to look at this point in our lives as the blessing that it was. I wanted to tell the whole world. .but we decided it would be our little secret for a while :) Ok. Maybe only 8 days, haha. This post starts the story to the name of my blog. Miracles don't wait.

I was just a few weeks pregnant when I had my senior pictures taken.

Mid October '10

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